The Complete Works by Beares Publishing
The books are now available for delivery.
...aims to be an illustrated catalogue of all the instruments made by the master luthier and his sons.
The Carlo Bergonzi violins in Baron Johann Knoop's collection
Treasures of Italian Violin Making, Vol. III, 2022
presents two outstanding 1735 violins: the Kreissler 1735 and the 1735 Baron Knoop, Landau. Published by Edizioni Scrollavezza & Zanrè and Jan Röhrmann, 2022
The 1690 Tuscan Violin
Treasures of Italian Violin Making, Vol. II, 2017
“The closest any of us will get to looking over the maestro’s shoulder on a Cremonese morning in 1690” John Dilworth, The Strad - May 2018
The Girolamo Amati Viola
Treasures of Italian Violin Making Vol I, 2015
This rare instrument, one of the first contralto violas of modern proportions made by the great Cremonese masters, is one of the most precious gems preserved in the Galleria Estense in Modena.

Tokyo Stradivarius Festival
published by Nippon Violin 2018 - exclusively reprinted 2019
A collection of 21 classical violins, violas, cellos & guitars of the violin maker Antonio Stradivari.
Joannes Baptista Guadagnini
published by Edizioni Scrollavezza & Zanrè, 2012
Joannes Baptista Guadagnini fecit Parmae Serviens C.S.R.- A collection of 24 classical violins, violas, cellos & guitars of the violin maker Joannes Baptista Guadagnini
Treasures of italian violin making full bundle Vol. I-III
puplished by Edizioni Scrollavezza & Zanré and Jan Roehrmann 2015, 2017, 2022
The Girolamo Amati Viola (I), The 1690 Tuscan Violin (II) & The Carlo Bergonzi violins in Baron Johann Knoop's collection (III).
Nicolas Lupot
published by Aladfi in 2017
A beautifully design photo documentation of classical instruments dedicated to the great violin maker Nicolas Lupot.
The Golden Age of Violin Making in Spain
published by Tritó Edicions in 2014
A photo documentation displaying 50 classical violins, violas, cellos & guitars shot by violin photographer Jan Röhrmann.
Stradivari Varnish
published by Brigitte Brandmair & Peter Greiner, June 2010
A collection of twenty-one classical violions violas, cellos & guitars of the violin maker Antonio Stradivari.
Antonius Stradiuarius Vol. I - VIII
Vol I-IV published by Jost Thöne Verlag and Jan Röhrmann, 2010. Vol V-VIII published by Jost Thöne Verlag, 2016.
A collection of eight books displaying classical violins, violas, cellos & guitars of the violin maker Antonio Stradivari.
Antonio Stradivari Archinto Cello, 1689
publsihed by Amati and J&A Beare
The history of one of Stradivari’s finest 17th-century cellos, made for the Cardinal Giuseppe Archinto of Milan.